Smart Farm in Zoo Zlín I.: System installation
Let’s take a look at how we installed our unique Smart system for remote control and monitoring electric fences in a zoo in Czech Republic.
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Take a look at the Case Studies of our smart electric fence system.
Smart Farm fencee simplifies the daily practice for both large companies and smaller farms.
Stay focused on the job and gain confidence in a system that gets back to you whenever something goes wrong.
Let’s take a look at how we installed our unique Smart system for remote control and monitoring electric fences in a zoo in Czech Republic.
After more than half a year of using our system, we bring you a detailed description with an interview about the functioning of the entire system of the Smart Farm fencee Cloud in the Zlín Zoo. We talked about the remote control and advantages of the system with the manager of electric fences, Vlastimil Mizera.
Continuation of cooperation after the successful implementation of the Smart Farm fencee Cloud system in five enclosures of the Zoo Zlín. This time it was about securing the new largest enclosure with jaguars in Europe.
The continuation of Case Studies with the Smart Farm system took us to Bystřice in the Moravian-Silesian region to meet the renowned Shetland sheep breeder Mr. Roman Cieslar. Read about the benefits and comfort of a Smart electric fence.
After 4 years of using the fencee smart electric fence, we met with the director of the Sheep and Goat Breeders Association (SCHOK) Ing. Jiří Huml. We talked about how the Smart Farm system with the fencee Cloud app helps them and what they see as the biggest benefits.
About two years ago, we installed the Smart Farm system for the agricultural cooperative Vlkov. In hindsight, we will look at the assets and benefits of the system according to the words of the zootechnician Mr. Josef Šmíd.
Another case of Smart electric fencing in practice. After almost three years of using Smart Farm with the fencee Cloud app, a friendly ranching family shared their experiences with us in a new article.
In the past, we visited a small sheepfold located in the wonderful environment of Orlické Foothills in the Czech Republic. We talked to the owner Vlastimil Petrlak and his son Jakub to find out how satisfied they are with the Smart Farm system fencee after almost two years of use.
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